Ever used a video doorbell or home security camera? Thank Marie Van Brittan Brown! In 1966, she and her husband, Albert Brown, designed a closed-circuit TV system with a peephole camera, a monitor, and a two-way microphone—the foundation of today’s home security systems!
Read MoreYoung Audiences of Louisiana (YALA) knows how you can engage your preschooler in arts appreciation while encouraging their cognitive and emotional development. YALA will continue to provide live online workshops to families via Zoom. YALA’s latest Artsplay! at Home series, “Tiny Explorers”, is on Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. from July 10 - August 14, 2021.
Read MoreYoung Audiences of Louisiana (YALA) will continue to provide live online workshops to families via Zoom. YALA’s latest Baby Artsplay! at Home series, “Getting to Know You”, begins on Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. Each workshop features artwork from The Ogden Museum of Southern Art.
Read MoreAs an affiliate of Young Audiences Arts for Learning (YA), the nation’s largest arts in education network, Young Audiences of Louisiana (YALA), is participating in the annual YA Week advocacy initiative to spotlight the impact of arts-integrated teaching and learning.
Read MoreRevisit YALA Artsplay! at Home Series “Take Me Down to the Second Line” and use YALA’s Caregiver Connection Cards to recreate the experience!
Read MoreYoung Audiences of Louisiana's Artsplay! at Home returns February 27, 2021. Mardi Gras Season may be over, but the spirit is alive year-round in New Orleans as Young Audiences of Louisiana’s latest workshop series reminds us.
Read MoreAs 2020 has been a year for changes and we won’t be Dancing for the Arts, we decided to do something a little different for our end-of-year giving campaign. This year donors can choose a $10 square(s) and upload a picture of their favorite piece of art. It can be your child's art, art you've created, or art you've seen that inspires you. The more squares you commit to donate, the more space you have on the board for your art to get noticed!
Read MoreThis fall, Young Audiences of Louisiana returns with another series of Simply Arts Studio workshops to spark your child’s artistic curiosity. The arts are proven to promote cognitive and emotional development and with fewer in-person options available to students across the city, Simply Arts Studio may be the right option for your children.
Read MoreDeepen your child’s connection with the arts—in the comfort of your home! Young Audiences of Louisiana is launching a virtual studio art program, Simply Arts Studio. Families across the Greater New Orleans Area have the opportunity to enroll their child in dance, yoga, visual arts or beginner piano for as low as $15 per class.
Read MoreBlack Lives Matter. Black Futures Matter. The Board of Directors and Staff at Young Audiences of Louisiana is appalled at the recent violence committed against Black Americans at the hands of those who are paid to protect us.
Read MoreWhile faced with heavy times, Young Audiences of Louisiana (YALA) is working ardently to continue our programs in a manner that will support not only YALA teaching artists, but all of our New Orleans stakeholders and partners as well.
Read MoreAll of us at Young Audiences of Louisiana are aware of the challenges school closures present for teaching artists, and are committed to doing what we can to alleviate the stress and anxiety everyone is feeling.
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